Tuesday, February 22, 2011


yes yes yes! i am thrilled to say that i am in fact(finally) engaged!!! So, i decided to delete all my previous blogs and start bloggin JUST about my baby, my crafty stuff andddd my WEDDING PLANNING! yay! i got engaged Friday(February 18 2011) and i already am going crazy thinking and planning wedding details!! in fact, ive already got a small stack of wedding magazines! The theme im working with is "Shabby Chic Vintage" If you know me well you know im really in to everything vintage!! ive been having so much fun already planning out fun little details that i will be able to use!!! one big deal we are trying to decide on is the LOCATION! *sigh* so much to do : ) lucky for me i want my wedding to be next spring so i have a nice amout of time to plan! Okay well i think ive ranted on enough today! XoXo